By Kryptonian Detective

Speculation on casting for one of Christopher Nolan’s DC Comics films can be put to rest.  After two and a half years of fan speculation, Warner Brothers has finally announced the villains for the next instalment of the Batman film franchise.  Tom Hardy of Inception fame has been cast in the film for about a month now, but the role was unspecified.  Fandom speculated every villain from The Riddler, Black Mask, and most recently, Hugo Strange.  Chris Nolan as he usual does, went against the grain and has cast Tom Hardy in the role of Bane.  Bane as most comic book fans know is the villain, who did what most villains have failed to do.  He defeated Batman by brutally breaking his back in the popular Knightfall storyline.  The inclusion of Bane in this film is surprising to me, given the character molestation he experienced at the hands of Joel Schumacher in the 1997 atrocity known as Batman & Robin.  Hopefully, Nolan can restore Bane from a mindless grunting idiot, into the formidable physical threat that he is in the comic books.  Regarding Hardy and his character Nolan said, “I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman’s most formidable enemies.”

Joining Bane in an effort to terrorize Gotham City is Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle.  The Selina Kyle/Catwoman character has been rumoured to be in this film ever since Lucius Fox made that remark about the new bat – suit being able to withstand cats in The Dark Knight.  I don’t know much about Anne Hathaway’s acting credentials, so I’ll trust in Nolan’s ability to judge that.  She certainly has the right look for the role.  Much like Bane, I hope we see an approach more in keeping with the comic book counterpart.  In terms of big screen appearances, we’ve seen a supernatural approach to Catwoman with the whole nine lives/cat resurrection angle.  This idea was first employed by Tim Burton in 1992’s Batman Returns, and that god –awful bastardization Catwoman in 2004.  I think having a mix of street-tough/jewel thief/ espionage with some sex appeal will bring the character back to her roots and mesh well with the tone Nolan has set for the series.  Of Hathaway, the director said; “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story.”  I like the choice of villains and the casting.  I can’t wait to see what happens next when The Dark Knight Rises on July 20, 2012.

(Source: Warner Brothers Pictures)